Friday, June 3, 2016


The SCA-RE-BUL Viuw?


"It is NOT always about whether things are FREE or not free. If you hire the wrong person, a work station will go tu hell".  --POP ART TEACHER

I have written about USER CONTENT and about ideas, that when shared online, can start trends.

In the future, Google should create 'GOOGLE TELEVISION" and advertise for people who want COMPUTER GENERATED CONTENT.

Computer Generated CONTENT seems tu be Tweets, Articles,  Videos, or Images that become important when people have computers. It is as if owning, or having access tu a computer, will generate a massive information exchange ABOUT COMPUTERS AND COMPUTER USERS.

COMPUTER GENERATED content seems similar tu content created by computer users who enjoy tweeting, making videos or taking photographs tu share with their online audience.

Political Science students may study the political opinions or political climate effecting changes in the way computer users share information, or participate online. 

Political Cartoonist and Comedians will likely protect freedom of speech for themselves, and other people. Political Cartoonist will endorse public freedoms and expressions.

YouTube, a online video-sharing broadcast, should respect 'you' the INDIVIDUAL first. Computer users often arrange their ideas, tweets,  pictures and videos for sharing with social and media-friendly group.

TIP: Face-tu-face communications have little media interference. The term 'media' implies a 'mediation' such as a communications-device that allows people who are not face-tu-face to communicate.  

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