Friday, July 29, 2016


Will Parenting Be Forever Confused By Surrogacy?
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My "A Book" idea is a good idea because of piracy [pai-ra-si] online.

This seems like confusion.

Before the Internet, World-Wide-Web, online, or the Information Highway existed, one or two Writers created a book. Writers either share'da their written labor with a larger group, or kept their book circulating in a small market, or they kept their book mostly for personal use. Is this a baby?

Obvious to me, a book is not a child.

Often people compaire children to cars or novels, as if they want to imply that your car or 'pet novel' consumes more of your money than a child, having your own child, would consume.

To amplify confusion,
Writing Teams have evolved with goals of successfully publishing novels or non-fiction books.
This opens a window to the notion that 'teams' make the cost of publishing a book, or owning a group car more practicle / or possible.

This is almost like quoting Hillary Clinton who said "It takes a village to raise a child".
Realistically, it takes a community to raise the communities children.

My 'A Book' idea is a novel approach, after I notice'da online trends.

For me personally, online pai-ra-si / piracy is the main reason my first novel attempt was terminated, having posted the opening on Blogger for FREE, I over-expose'da my first novel.
My over-expose'da 'broken novel is finish'da in its current un-completed stage.

Could I compaire this stage to 'freezing my eggs'?

Freezing a woman's 'eggs' is a ridiculous notion. Women are told this is part of their reproductive 'rights'.
I could, but SHOULD NOT compare my over-expose'da 'broken novel' to a frozen egg, although the novel is in it's current not-completed stage.

Over-exposure of my pre-mature novel, and fear of online pai-ra-si is why my novel is broken, complete with A Writer's Notes, YET THERE IS NO-THING FROZEN or WRONG with my eggs, meaning my reproductive cells. I write this BECAUSE my body is normally kept at room temperature, air-condition'da room-temperature.

If I work to create 'A Book' and book illustrations, allowing online computer users to order 'A Book' by BLANK, then each customer may buy a printed, illustrated copy of 'A Book' with their name on the cover.
This seems less confusing.

I may be my only Thought-Police, or better yet, Taught Police. The local Police may protect actual children if they respond to actual calls for HELP.

Because of my fears, I did not continue to post my original fiction online after having many disappointing experiences.

I became my own Taught Police.

This new idea, 'A Book', would allow me, and other computer users to use a keyboard, computer monitor, with editing software to write the book they want to see.

Multiple-computers sharing via online services would open 'A Book' by BLANK.

BLANK STANDS FOR, or represents a customer willing to pay for a printed, illustrated copy of  'A Book' with their name on the cover.

Who owns 'A Book' by Blank?

Dear reader, before you try to apply this Blo-ga Information tu develop u'or own APP, I will guess...

...What will happen next

Base'da on my experiences, the male guardian online will offer me, a woman with a novel idea, private domain space.

The host site will accelerate my posting and layout ability.
Based on previous experiences, problems often occur around security. I have been told, in my past, tu secure my website with sitelock. What sitelock was, or did, IDK [I DON'T KNOW].
From e-mail violations, from PC USERS hacking passwords to mal-functioning Apps to App-related computer glitches, from previous experiences I HAVE LEARN'DA:

 I am responsible for up-keeping my computer-space.
Apps, other computer users online, and viral websites endanger my novel idea.
The cost of repair, or the cost to repair damage done to my computer-space by other computer users may 'freeze' my 'A Book' idea before 'A Book' is finish'da.
LIKELY FUTURE OUTCOME: Posting a future weblog note: My 'A Book' idea is a novel approach I started after I notice'da online trends. Unfortunately, lack of personal funds left 'A Book' in it's un-completed stage.
SECOND LIKELY FUTURE OUTCOME: Donations by online users help me better protect the computer-space that supports my developing novel, and online website.
TO AMPLIFY CONFUSION, the online donors believe they have partial claim to "A BOOK".
This opens 'A Book' to the notion that 'TEAM' makes the COST of PUBLISHING a book possible.
If TEAMs make 'A Book' possible, other computer users may offer to make fiction and non-fictional contributions. "A BOOK" MAY GROW.

With Donations and TEAM-WORK 'A Book' may un-freeze.

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