Sunday, August 5, 2018

sca-re-bul: Blood'dy And Sore

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[This essay was updated Friday, September 2019]

[continuing...] I saw a crowd with little reason sacrifice a innocent young man. His eyes seem'da tu turn yellow, lai-ca old hay...Haysus...Jesusa… Mary, his mother, show'da her son blood'dy and sore.

In the New Testament, an angel of the Lord comes to Mary in a dream telling her to fear not, for that which is found in her shall save people from their sins. Dancing Near The Fire is my broken novel. If the novel was causing confusion, the broken, unfinish'da novel was lai-ca seeing blue skies after dark clouds dim'da our sky. Dancing NearThe Fire was not about Jesus. It was Dancing Near The Fire, with legendary characters in a universe luminated from 'stars' whose light seem'da lai-ca old music.

Armand [character] saw Jemi Hendrix lit lai-ca a star because I watched the Woodstock video, I watched the performance. The music, mostly from the old video, was lit by the television set, it was lai-ca suddenly seeing and hearing a clear channel from old "stars"...

The concept was basic, I tried tu write about a strange place fill'da with legends who conversed about legends.
My actual idea for Jesus Christ Super Star II was close to another idea, a modern adaptation about a Super Star who play'da Jesus on stage, yet... THE BODY OF CHRIST?

Christians who follow the examples of Jesus learn from Sunday school, and believe God has a plan! They are part of the Christian church, the spiritual body... yet how can Jesus represent the body of all Christians sacrificed, and sore from blood letting? 

It was lai-ca drinking strange water, water that show'da a true reflection (not a actual reflection). The true reflection is of a group of Christians that can murder their young and innocent, the group that can allow senseless, unreasonable blood letting, a group that may get expulsion / expulshun (removed from the Christian body lai-ca leeches).

In Christian traditional interpretations, Jesus is the better example, yet he was chosen by the tribe to be sacrificed, chosen by a tribe of sinners. Jesus represents our better efforts to self-discipline ourselves, as well as to make personal self-sacrifices for the greater good. Jesus is often The Teacher, cleansing his temple.

[My version, Dancing Near The Fire is not for the greater good. The lessons I learned while writing fiction online should be seen as a WARNING...]

Anjay, the strawman of OZ, a place un-lai-ca our world? Anjay with hair lai-ca straw is close to Maya, goddess of illusion, the Indian goddess with hair lai-ca straw, doing wrong so that we may cleanse our eyes from tears of dis-comfort.
Anjay seems lai-ca a ill-omen, lai-ca the strawman in a world un-lai-ca our own.

Electric letters, strawberry letters lai-ca the modern letter 'k,' tric letters lai-ca 'x,' that no longer help us see better, with tric letters creating bad spells without correction from Educators... Some strawmen from unknown places have replaced the 'C' in Christ with the letter 'K'...and does this instant 'confusing' cahrma / karma change, or linger lai-ca bad habbits?

Armand linger'da, lai-ca a lost Teacher, seeking better spells from dead languages, yet this strange tale had tu end. I was influenced by Plato's Allegory of The Cave, when I wrote Armand, Anais and Dulie's end...a fading intu blue sky.
I had created Armand, a modern Vam-Pai-Ya, borrow'da from legend, a confusion of name and old ideas of what Teachers are lai-ca, base'da upon my Teacher who help'da me see my spiritual path better, and guided me into greater fitness through practice. Base'da upon this confusion, Armand existed in a limited way in a space originally called Red Pines, a space in a novel.
Base'da in confusion, as a way tu help a young person reason and learn better spells, Armand could act heroicly in a confusing, tragic space called Red Pines. When the novel's plot was creating greater confusion, I decided the characters needed tu come intu THE LIGHT, lai-ca characters from the allegory...reason seem'da lai-ca a reason for the confusing characters tu fade... (un-lai-ca actual people).

Reason was the reason  major characters faded lai-ca legends of Love.
Reason was the reason confusion was 'banish'da' and lai-ca fog, seem'da tu disappear.

I could not give my "anjay," so I offered blue skies, the actual blue, lai-ca angels of light!
The sky communicates blue.
I now own a broken novel, with arty images of Blue Anjay.

The end of the story was warm and almost worth the gloomy goth-like grey days I saw while I wrote Dancing Near The Fire.

For a time, my broken novel was kept in a box, unbother'da and unread.

While watching the T.V show, Big Brother on CBS, I felt a sexual stirring, and in a foolish way, I returned tu my broken novel, yet this time I wonder'da...can this broken novel be repair'da?

Learning from my mistakes, I thought about my broken novel. I saw flaws in the structure, I also realized that my characters were driven by my "id"...the playful, sexual side and expression of a immature person. The id, ego and super-ego are Freudian concept which formed my ideas about Psychology [Sai-Co-Lo-Gy] and human development. I also credit the writings of Jung, whose published writings helped shape my notions about the 'unconscious side' and dreams. Freud was lai-ca a father in modern Psychology, Jung was lai-ca a permissive parent.

I realize that because I was immature, my novel characters acted immaturely. Because I wanted to sell a best-selling book, I tried to craft a unusual plot with playful, seductive characters. I did try to restructure the novel's ideas before re-writing DANCING NEAR THE FIRE.

I used a DREAM TECHNIQUE: Assume all characters are you, then ask yourself what does each character represent?
As I thought about my plot, I realized that in the story, Dulie was a young woman about to learn about love. Her character represented my younger side that wanted tu write a romance novel, a dream I had not let go of... although as I continued writing, it seemed she was finding love in a bar, a place not of romance but of alcohol.

Anais represented the type of character familiar with love, a type I discovered in many romantic books. She is seductive, wears her favorite color, purple, has black, long curly hair with a red, then white streak near her eyes. Dulie wears green contacts, and seems lai-ca a young person opening the doors of seduction tu a playful world of unusual events.

Armand stood in Dulie's way, lai-ca a guard. A tragic character who lost his former life around a university. Armand represents my desire to see a better Teacher [in plays], a older guide teaching better spells tu a young student interested in nature and THE GODDESS.

Alyn is clearly a reflection of the man I once (many years ago) fell in love with, yet at that time, I could not see his character with clarity, yet he is clearly what became of our love connection. Alyn is the novel's golden hero [regardless of his race], he is lai-ca a angel seeking his true wife, his mature co-partner. After so much seduction in a strange place, Alyn was the character I pick'da to teach the oldest temptation about true love. In many ways, Alyn seemed lai-ca my "muse," meaning my GUIDE.

Originally, at the end of my thoughts, four characters, two couples hand-in-hand were tu disappear.
In reality, some people could not be forgotten, years later I struggle with technological ideas, especially the idea of developing a video-game for multiple players.
...and the novel remains un-finish'da.

-Minda Peyton

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