Friday, March 8, 2019

How Tu Avoid Automatic Enrollment Via. Pop-Ups

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How To Avoid Automatic Enrollment Via. Pop-ups

Along with the beneficial 'perks' associated with having online access, there are perils, cons and risks!
I have read about automatic enrollment programs that pop-up in a Pop-up box after consumers make purchases with their co-partners. After a consumer has made a purchase, using credit, a Pop-up appears to automatically enroll the consumer as soon as he, or she, opts. to CLOSE the Pop-up box. I've read that clicking on the box creates enrollment in a program that will bill the customer's credit card.
Even when consumers opt. to CLOSE THE POP-UP, their credit card number, on record after they have made a purchase at the co-partner's business website, is charged!
If you don't want tu / to be enrolled without your consent or agreement, learn how to close a Pop-up box without clicking on the box.
If after you have purchased goods online, a Pop-up box 'pops up,' here is information about how to safely close a Pop-up box. DO NOT CLICK THE 'X'. DON'T CLICK ANYWHERE ON THE POP-UP BOX. If you use the WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM, pull up the WINDOWS TASK MANAGER box. Do this by holding down the 'CTRL' key at the same time you hold 'SHIFT' and the 'ESC' key. THIS MEANS PRESS DOWN ON ALL THREE KEYS "CTRL+SHIFT+ESC" AT THE SAME TIME. SELECT THE 'POP-UP' THEN SELECT END TASK.
Another command that seems to be a favorite online is CTRL + ALT + DELETE. I know because YouTube personalities often chant: CONTROL-ALT-DELETE...

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