Friday, July 29, 2016


Will Parenting Be Forever Confused By Surrogacy?
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My "A Book" idea is a good idea because of piracy [pai-ra-si] online.

This seems like confusion.

Before the Internet, World-Wide-Web, online, or the Information Highway existed, one or two Writers created a book. Writers either share'da their written labor with a larger group, or kept their book circulating in a small market, or they kept their book mostly for personal use. Is this a baby?

Obvious to me, a book is not a child.

Often people compaire children to cars or novels, as if they want to imply that your car or 'pet novel' consumes more of your money than a child, having your own child, would consume.

To amplify confusion,
Writing Teams have evolved with goals of successfully publishing novels or non-fiction books.
This opens a window to the notion that 'teams' make the cost of publishing a book, or owning a group car more practicle / or possible.

This is almost like quoting Hillary Clinton who said "It takes a village to raise a child".
Realistically, it takes a community to raise the communities children.

My 'A Book' idea is a novel approach, after I notice'da online trends.

For me personally, online pai-ra-si / piracy is the main reason my first novel attempt was terminated, having posted the opening on Blogger for FREE, I over-expose'da my first novel.
My over-expose'da 'broken novel is finish'da in its current un-completed stage.

Could I compaire this stage to 'freezing my eggs'?

Freezing a woman's 'eggs' is a ridiculous notion. Women are told this is part of their reproductive 'rights'.
I could, but SHOULD NOT compare my over-expose'da 'broken novel' to a frozen egg, although the novel is in it's current not-completed stage.

Over-exposure of my pre-mature novel, and fear of online pai-ra-si is why my novel is broken, complete with A Writer's Notes, YET THERE IS NO-THING FROZEN or WRONG with my eggs, meaning my reproductive cells. I write this BECAUSE my body is normally kept at room temperature, air-condition'da room-temperature.

If I work to create 'A Book' and book illustrations, allowing online computer users to order 'A Book' by BLANK, then each customer may buy a printed, illustrated copy of 'A Book' with their name on the cover.
This seems less confusing.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


— sca-re-bul/FAI-CAHTV (@sca_re_bul) July 4, 2016 ,,,



Making a ART work is not always the same as creating realistic illusions. A realistic illusion is a hand-crafted sculpture of a smart phone. Imagine a detail'd phone, such as a 6 sculpted using plastic, glass, spray-piant, ect. Using watercolor paints and color pencils will not create a realistic illusion for most people.

Why is realism in Art a problem?
Because ART is subjective. What is Art to one person, doesn't seem lai-ca Art to another person.
What appears realistic to some people is not convincing to all viewers.