Tuesday, July 31, 2018

sca-re-bul: 'Cas Now I'm Back To See Love Again



'Cas Now I'm Back To See Love Again' by Minda Peyton

he's not really dead
sure he lingers on
disappearing lai-ca the fog

was love just enough
'cas now I'm back
to see Love try again
[face the truth]

[du, du, du, du] [Tell the truth / Face the Truth]
Was I howl'n at the Moon?
hungar, ripping, tearing
[Tore Apart] [Tear APART]
Does LOVE really matter?

sca-re-bul: Two Essays by Minda Peyton

Two Essays by Minda Peyton

...about a student on a lunar satellite, who has solve'da a ancient puzzle. His solution is wanted by all of humanity. When was my solutions wanted? With the help of a personal computer, a 'solve The Rubik's Cube' website, and my own Rubik's Cube, then, I felt lai-ca I was sharing (puzzle) solutions, then young Actors on T.V networks use'da their broadcast tu spi on me and my notebook when I posted on a online site call'da Blogger, a weblog site. I was then using my YouTube broadcast tu share useful information, my notes about my novel, and entertainment, opinionated stuff, topics of interest and conversation. I think some students use Personal  Computers tu cheat, so that they may continue tu stay in 'good standings' at their pubic schools. Some students violate their school's honor codes by spi'n on the faculty, and on their peers by installing spyware without consent or permission. I believe students of the occult use illegal drugs tu better obtain information from other students, often students are 'dose'da' without their knowledge, much less their consent. I wonder, will 3rd generation students of parents, active in our armed forces, use satellite systems tu spi on my notes? At some point I thought...this sounds lai-ca a sci-fiction novel or a dys-Utopic novel....
There are people who gain tenure, these tenure'da people teach [classes] at Universities... Is this the new 'nu' American Dream all serious students are reaching for, or is the idea of honestly being awarded academic tenure on a campus reeking of drug mis-use, spi-ware, and academic mis-conduct funny? Is the 'nu' American Dream a type of joke? I have ran... I can say today's youth use more T.V networks, computers, spyware and drugs in increasingly more complex ways in order tu cheat, I wonder, are they creating debt so that they may stay in school (for decades)?

I am doubting the usefulness of writing ideas, opinions, [and] notes down.
When good Teachers are violated, meaning sexually assaulted...then I think the school system (University) is bad.   I think...when good young Actors and young Actressis are sexually violated, when drugs are force'da on them, such as...of Raven Simone, then I think T.V and acting on stage, in theaters or on set (T.V) is not good. It is not our youth that are corrupt, incapable of learning, not moral...there is something wrong? A mis-leading dream? A rotton dream? A Dream Deferred? It is not the people in the school system? It is not people, it is T.V exposure?

Clearly adults are corrupting
young people,
their drugs and sexual mis-conduct
sexual abuse
intellectual dishonesty
pseudo-Intellectual mis-education
is corrupting
tu young people.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Ask Minda!

Ask Minda!

Problems with Armand, the nuw vampaiya…

Q: Can un-dead characters be heros?
A: IMOpinion, un-dead characters can not be heros. Some characters are mythical, meaning they do not  reflect people. My character Armand does not have a mirror reflection. He tells Dulie he could see his reflection before he was tragically transform'da. He must exist in a dim existence without sunlight, yet there is electric light (illuminating power) and fire / fai-ya light, a type of orange-ish flame. He can read the minds of lonely poets and philosophers by candle light.

Q: What is the mythical essense of Armand?
A: A messenger sending a confuse'da warning. He is a [new] type of occult scribe, confuse'd by dreams and moonlight.

Q: What of the Angel?
A: The Angel is tu help Dulie, the first person speaker. [If plans are not alter'da, Angel will in turn help two lovers].

WARNING: I believe people are spi'n on me. They have interfeared with my life because of my freedom to write this novel work of fiction. This is not to / tu be a film, or T.V. show because who is spi'n on me is making threats. My life has been filled with harassment (lai-ca mail tampering).
[Warning by the Arthor Minda Peyton].

Friday, July 27, 2018

sca-re-bul: The Substitute [In Christian Literature]

'The Substitute' by Minda Peyton

Note: At the end of a famous book series by C.S. Lewis, the children's world is being destroyed. Readers must question: Is THE LION the BEST LIGHT of their world?


Good Wizard = Substitute For God 
[works for God]
Helps Children, esp. 1 orphan.   
Works to save the universe.

The Lord NOT EQUAL Lion.
[Lord = Son of God]
If The Lord is the light of this world associated
with reasoning, then the lion
is the WORST substitute.
Superman = Substitute for God.Helps children, saves people, saves towns,
works for Justice and flies la-i-ca angels.
Angel NOT EQUAL Witch
Witches have problems: Drug abuse, un-ethical practices, sex with multiple partners. Witches do not practice protection.
Angels have a circle of protection.
A Star MAYBE A Substitute for God [gods].Maybe. I'm not sure a star is a good substitute for God in a book, maybe in a film.
The Fly = Terrible substitute for God.
About as bad as The Tick.

Computer Hal = A Poor Substitute For God.

The source = power box / battery.
Computers have plans for batteries. Man IS NOT A Battery.
Angel Is NOT God. Works for God.

sca-re-bul: Magic Realism by Minda Peyton

Magic Realism by Minda Peyton

A strange term for a strange type of fictional story. When I was a university student, I notice'da magic realism. The style felt empty, cool, a mental space closer tu / to a void.
A cold vaccum. This mental space was a void-ish space where strange un-expected connections happen'da. There was no explanation for events that tug'da at, or pull'da a character. It was a cool, curious type of 'magic'.

In my attempts tu / to write stories, I have fill'da the page with a lot of details, I have incorporaited some of the imagery from my dreams, as well as in a pale, reflective space, in my writer's way, I have re-imagine'da moments in my life that once matter'da. This re-imaging, reflecting and borrowing images from my dreams support a 'magic' coupled with a detail'da sense of reality that could be close tu / to what Magic Realism means, if one could seriously support 'magic' with 'realism' in fictional works.
Most sarcastic Writers find realism un-compatable with 'magic'. Maybe realism was a answer, or a type of solution tu readers who were sick of great works of the imagination, or magical flights of fantasy. After losing one's sense of gravity, or normalacy, Writers found realism, a more complex style reflecting our complex reality. Writers of realism probably gain'da in popular culture gaining support from readers.

I will mention a few fables and magical tales, extended folk works that change'da my way of seeing magical tales. The novel of red rose and rose white is a excellent example of a magical tale fill'da with the consequences of wonder, pain, and a sense of moving towards better development, not lingering in the dark, hiding 'behind' magical tales. Complex psychological [Sai-Co-Lo-Gi-Cal] development evolve'da.

[Gabriel Marquez] Gabriel Marqui...if that is his name, seems to be a master storyteller writing of magic, the heavens and angels. He gives a detailed sense of reality that seems tu / to be magical.

sca-re-bul: What Do You Know About Angels?

In Fiction, What Do You Know About Angels?

by Minda Peyton

[Angels] they avoid temptation and avoid leading others down dangerous paths. There is a saying: "Where angels fear to tread." Angels are traditionally considered guardians protecting children. In the Bible, angels visit in dreams.

What Do You Know About Witches?

They are associated with Paigan holidays, FALL FESTIVALS associated with alcohol, weed and drug use.
Witches are associated with herbal brews, potions and mildly drugged drinks.
In some plays, witches are associated with herbal potions that contain poisons. In [a popular] Fairy Tale a witch did poison a apple.

In The Wiz, a witch plagues Dorothy with madness, or fear and dangerous drug threats. [Although] the musical is NOT AS CLEAR, the poppy field may be a drug threat / warning.
Witches are associated with dark pagan holidays.

Many associate witches with ignorance.
I associate witches with witch's spells.

In my actual neighborhood, in my town, people called ME a witch, yet I had never forced drugs into / intu their bodies. As a group, my neighbors and I had drugs forced on us. As a individual, when drugs were forced on me I yelled, wrote reports, and used my phone to call for help.

Is it 'lion's work,' covering the truth with a lie? People are 'lion' when they falsely accuse me, yet never the drug dealer, or [the] Health Field Worker who forced drugs intu my body when I did not want their drugs.
A man named Dr. Kovorkian was said to have asked for government funds to assist in drug-related suicides, yet no person in the media has called him a witch, warlock, [or] Black Magician.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

sca-re-bul: A Better Vampaiyer Plot

A Better Vampaiyer Plot by Minda Peyton

A person, male, is force'da tu / to experience life in unusual ways after having sexual contact under unusual conditions. He draws woman and men he is attracted to, bringing them out of their closet, to experience sexual contact in non-traditional ways.
His motive is sexual, and dark yet, stays hidden. Mix'da emotions develop in his 'victims' / sexually 'liberated' closeted women companions.

The male vam-pai-yer needs to end this dark experience with a stake placed in his heart. [After he, the vampaiyer is expose'da to / tu the sun's light, his companyon can liberate their descendants.] Basically, his liberated companyons must be exposed to sunlight so they may be truly liberated.

[Special thanks tu Anthony of SMOSH]

sca-re-bul: Summary

Summary by Minda

Impulsive thought: The novel is lai-ca FREE LOVE.
Yet by following The Lion, engaging in plays [about] upon False Marriages, couples never develop. Imagine a ancient lover, who has never been truly married. [The lover is] playful, emotional, child lai-ca, yet not 'wife-la-i-ca' when loyality is needed, or help from a mate is needed. Help, how? Help guarding the home...guarding one's mate from temptation...? These were impulsive free-flowing ideas about temptation and keeping mates away from temptation. Writing a novel keeps one's hands busy, yet this is not E-Z.

Armand's Tragic Transformation [Summary] 

  • ...allow'da Armand tu / to read minds.
  • ...allow'da him to survive on blood.
  • ...allow'da him to influence others attracted to him.
  • ...prevented him from looking at himself in the mirror.

sca-re-bul: Lioness Note

'Lioness Note' by Minda Peyton

The Lioness on T.V. move'da up, I watch'da her and another on Animal Planet. I made a short video-clip for FAI-CAH TV because I suspected that a few people from my old employment at the lab (research) would watch. A few Science people volunteer'da...they wanted to / tu see and help actual wildlife. Either you act lai-ca a 'animal' away on a scholarship... or you act lai-ca a human willing tu aid actual lions, tigers and monkeys!

Lioness advice: Move up to / tu higher ground for safety. Other animals follow'da this advice. I saw monkeys move-up intu the trees...I also saw cows near flood lands on a hill, then more animals move'da up. I am worried, animals today...don't seem tu / to respond as quick... The birds fly in unusual patterns, and I saw on the news, a cow surrounded in muddy waters; she had not found higher ground... A woman cover'da in mud was also in the waters...

sca-re-bul: The Side Effects Of Worshipping A Lion...

The Side Effect Of Worshipping A Lion, Or A Woman

With A Lioness Head by Minda Peyton

I first admit tu not being a Researcher of ancient Egyptian Art, nor the Art of the Northwest Coast.
In my studies, I have noted the 'blended' art-styles common tu [and associated with] Egypt, a departure, I think, from 3D sculpture, moving towards flat 2D image creation.
I associate Egypt with transitions, and cultural blending, reflections of a 'movement' from one style to another. I have also notice'da 'Totem Art' found in the North West (of North America or the Northern regions of Latin America). I think 'Totems' are less Art, more tribal ritual moving towards flat, 2D image creation. Also of note, the blended human heritage with animal characteristics.

I think of Angels, I think of images of humans with dog heads or of humans with Lions heads. I also imagine images of human women with human faces, yet with snakes for hair! I think of storytellers and print makers, both Artist types who are associated with books and literary Art works or Illustrations.
I think I can basically summarize: Pigs.
Consider how people generalize the essential personality of a pig. A INDIVIDUAL PIG  may not seem fat, yet pigs IN GENERAL are considered greedy animals. This common association about the nature of ALL PIGS reduces the complexity of each pig to a simple personality. Pigs = Greedy.

A human compair'da tu a pig would show a greedy personality, basically.

Human Psychology [Sai-Col-Lo-Gy] is about Human Development. This process may have spiritual, religious and ritualistic aspects. Human development is becoming aware of our life-path, our function, and our reason for remaining human on our planet.

Human growth is not a individual path, yet, individuals 'walk the path'. Individuals develop, learn, grow, love, then become parents who have human children. Tu be honestly confuse'da and emotionally attatch'da tu animal behavior is tu engage in mental confusion. A confuse'da inner state can lead tu association with the negative aspects of the animal. Confusion about reproducing children and how one is tu raise one's human child can be a problem, developing intu a bigger problem. People in confusing mental states can end this confusion by not mixing human traits with animal traits. This may mean avoid occult material, [avoid] confusing our dream states with animals and avoid getting guidance from Eastern and Western Zodiac material.

sca-re-bul: Advertisement?

I think Blogger had problems after running T.V. Ads, people expected the website tu / to pay them for their BLOGS! Knowing about our current 'media mix-up,' I was more successful advertising with Facebook. Other people online seemed pleased with Google.

sca-re-bul: Ask Minda!

Ask Minda!

Q: By practicing better spelling, can a student 'witch' or a young Paigan student 'gain' love, money or success?

A: As a wannabe-Writer, I doubt this. By practicing the story-making craft, tu get better at writing stories, by learning better ways tu communicate, tu get better at writing stories, I can honestly write that much practice and study, along with careful reflection, did improve my ability tu share written communications without me earning money. In my life, I have not earn'da nor gain'da money, lovers, nor fame by sharing written communications.
Did men find me more attractive because I was writing a 'Gothic Romance' novel? I doubt it [...well maybe, although] I doubt this notion is true. As a self-described 'wannabe-Writer / Rai-tah', spelling better did NOT make me richer, nor better looking tu men.

Q: Did I gain respect from men after learning better ways tu communicate?

A: I don't think men argue'da with me less. I may have gain'da respect from some men, who value careful reflection from 'wannabe-Writahs / Rai-tars' willing tu share written communicai-shauns.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

sca-re-bul: From Witch Tu Angel

Dancing Near The Fai-ya / Fire: From Witch Tu Angel

by Minda Peyton

'Dancing Near The Fai-ya / Fire' was suppose to be a Gothic novel with romantic ties. I wanted it's romantic elements tu be associated with it's romance scenes found in [inspire'da by] nature. My Paigan knowledge was tu be associated with 'mother nature,' in a method of associating larger forces of nature with the characters's emotions and feelings of love, union and connection. I imagine'da my main character would grow, learning better spells, learning about natural forces, and about human support...meaning [learn that] we need people, we are connected tu people for reasons. Learning our role spiritually, learning how other people could share our lives, learning from our families...think[ing] about our future; tu tie-these aspects neatly together with plot lines would be to join the reason with the method. This book was one I wanted tu see, yet I had a lot tu learn, especially when writing a fictional narrative.
Non-fiction has allow'da me tu share my ideas without having tu re-introduce my thoughts thru the dialogue of my characters, who are suppose tu develop, grow towards the end of a fictional narrative.

Writing non-fiction essays allows me tu avoid using false names, or anonymous as the contributor! My current idea: From Witches tu Angels. When I was online, because of my Taro work, I heard people call me a 'witch'. I use'da computer search engines online tu research what made a person a witch. At that time, I was aware of being a Buddhist. Western ideas of Psychology and 'zen' Buddhism has confuse'da Buddhist students. I had not call'da myself a witch. I join'da Wiccan websites. I was impress'da by Art images of strong women, and a constant connection tu the Earth. Paigan influence. Paigans study nature in ways Scientist dis-approve of...drug use, and mis-use seems more accepted among Paigans, University students, and 'witch-crafter-women'...Wiccans?

Drug use is less accepted in Science circles. Why associate Paigan 'Practitioners' with Scientist? [Because] Both groups claim tu study nature, Scientist for knowledge, Paigans for spiritual reasons.
While I studied Taro cards, I was lead, or rather, being lead tu study Psychology. Buddhist American articles discussing 'ego' were / was share'da. Some Buddhist were confusing 'zen', Psychology and dreams of Enlightenment and Awakening. Why did this make me a witch? I did not know, so I search'da.

I left a article with Religious Tolerance, a web-site online. I support what is true and ethical in Paigan Practices, yet, in my opinion, witches learn tu stop using mind-altering drugs couple'da with 'open-sex' sexual relationships. My basic point...when witches close their legs tu stop allowing crazy sex with drug-use, then the group of female (or male) witches are lead tu Wicca, a spiritual group. I believe the Wiccan Reed is a simple ethical rule created for safety reasons, there tu help witching students think. I myself think about spelling...better spelling v/s bad spells. Written communications can be improve'da with better spells and a better education. I assume most witches are ignorant, in the dark without a better education. This dangerous sex and / or drug practice (drug habit) can end their lives and hallucinations are nothing (not much) tu brag about.

A path away from a witch's circle is a Wiccan circle...a ethical group of women offering each other spiritual support. When formal aspects of why we are spiritual people evolve, a Anglican belief should, or may emerge. Take away drugs, a un-healthy, deadly sexual practice (sexual freedom). Replace Anarchist law with a few ethics. Support the circle of women, continue learning who you are as a person, know the life you can aim for, a life with a loving partner, or a life surrounded by your children. Believe there is a function, a 'mother-nature' function, a supportive role, accept this woman center'da role, then a transformation from a witch tu a Anglican Christian woman has been (ideally) made. This transformation is as difficult as changing a Gothic Romance novel tu a Anglican Christian book! With guidance from my in-spi-ray-shaun, transformation seems possible!

sca-re-bul: Note

'Note' by Minda Peyton

"Water and Air. Water, a natural reflective substance can become muddy,
or hidden in the dark, thus, the need for fai-ya / fire."

If I place a angel or Anjayel, or a angel by another name, in 'Dancing Near The Fai-ya / Fire,' would haters wish tu see fire or cloud-fire?

On the cover of Bitches Brew by Miles Davis, Art fans maybe able tu see arty cloud-fire.
If I place a anjayel in "Dancing Near The Fai-ya / Fire" could I also draw, then paint reflectively, cloud-fire? I consider cloud-fire the FIFTH ELEMENT, yet because of its illuminating light, I caution'da readers against tracking 'cloud-fire'.

About deviant angels. I suspect they will fall faster than angels in white with golden hair, by fall, I mean fall in love. I imagine a red-star angel would wear pink as she near'da blue skies...yet this passionate color reminds me of falling in love, and not continuing as a good guide for those who are innocent. Angels are associated with warning children away from guides that lead tu poorly understood paths or pathways. There is a saying...'where angels fear tu thread / tred…"

Deviant angels would have problems staying focus'da and true tu purpose. I imagine blue angels, or blue anjayels, getting lost in fleets of snow, blown on winds away from their good guide, or moving intu 'tricky space' without good reason; this may encourage cloud-fire, or mention of Hathor / Hator, this is not the better guide.

sca-re-bul: Regrets

'Regrets' by Minda Peyton

"A Tragic Love Story curse'da 'cas of Alcohol" -Minda Peyton
My big regret, perhaps my biggest, not allowing my characters, the characters in 'Dancing Near The Fai-ya / Fire' to discover the Lord above us all.
I think about Hallelujah. I tried tu / to silently and publicly voice warnings AGAINST BLOOD LETTING, in the end this broken work was a big failure, a over-expose'da unfinishable novel, my first and only at this time.
This work of love and warning is a cold and a broken work of fiction, semi-absurd fiction.
I think about Hallelujah, the bad spells I learn'da in printed zones, the flaws in the zodiac, the Existential [Ex-I-Stin-Shaun-Nal] Crisis. I think about bringing our dark 'dreams' into the light!

Like Angels by Minda Peyton