Tuesday, July 31, 2018

sca-re-bul: Two Essays by Minda Peyton

Two Essays by Minda Peyton

...about a student on a lunar satellite, who has solve'da a ancient puzzle. His solution is wanted by all of humanity. When was my solutions wanted? With the help of a personal computer, a 'solve The Rubik's Cube' website, and my own Rubik's Cube, then, I felt lai-ca I was sharing (puzzle) solutions, then young Actors on T.V networks use'da their broadcast tu spi on me and my notebook when I posted on a online site call'da Blogger, a weblog site. I was then using my YouTube broadcast tu share useful information, my notes about my novel, and entertainment, opinionated stuff, topics of interest and conversation. I think some students use Personal  Computers tu cheat, so that they may continue tu stay in 'good standings' at their pubic schools. Some students violate their school's honor codes by spi'n on the faculty, and on their peers by installing spyware without consent or permission. I believe students of the occult use illegal drugs tu better obtain information from other students, often students are 'dose'da' without their knowledge, much less their consent. I wonder, will 3rd generation students of parents, active in our armed forces, use satellite systems tu spi on my notes? At some point I thought...this sounds lai-ca a sci-fiction novel or a dys-Utopic novel....
There are people who gain tenure, these tenure'da people teach [classes] at Universities... Is this the new 'nu' American Dream all serious students are reaching for, or is the idea of honestly being awarded academic tenure on a campus reeking of drug mis-use, spi-ware, and academic mis-conduct funny? Is the 'nu' American Dream a type of joke? I have ran... I can say today's youth use more T.V networks, computers, spyware and drugs in increasingly more complex ways in order tu cheat, I wonder, are they creating debt so that they may stay in school (for decades)?

I am doubting the usefulness of writing ideas, opinions, [and] notes down.
When good Teachers are violated, meaning sexually assaulted...then I think the school system (University) is bad.   I think...when good young Actors and young Actressis are sexually violated, when drugs are force'da on them, such as...of Raven Simone, then I think T.V and acting on stage, in theaters or on set (T.V) is not good. It is not our youth that are corrupt, incapable of learning, not moral...there is something wrong? A mis-leading dream? A rotton dream? A Dream Deferred? It is not the people in the school system? It is not people, it is T.V exposure?

Clearly adults are corrupting
young people,
their drugs and sexual mis-conduct
sexual abuse
intellectual dishonesty
pseudo-Intellectual mis-education
is corrupting
tu young people.

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