Wednesday, July 25, 2018

sca-re-bul: Regrets

'Regrets' by Minda Peyton

"A Tragic Love Story curse'da 'cas of Alcohol" -Minda Peyton
My big regret, perhaps my biggest, not allowing my characters, the characters in 'Dancing Near The Fai-ya / Fire' to discover the Lord above us all.
I think about Hallelujah. I tried tu / to silently and publicly voice warnings AGAINST BLOOD LETTING, in the end this broken work was a big failure, a over-expose'da unfinishable novel, my first and only at this time.
This work of love and warning is a cold and a broken work of fiction, semi-absurd fiction.
I think about Hallelujah, the bad spells I learn'da in printed zones, the flaws in the zodiac, the Existential [Ex-I-Stin-Shaun-Nal] Crisis. I think about bringing our dark 'dreams' into the light!

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