Wednesday, July 25, 2018

sca-re-bul: From Witch Tu Angel

Dancing Near The Fai-ya / Fire: From Witch Tu Angel

by Minda Peyton

'Dancing Near The Fai-ya / Fire' was suppose to be a Gothic novel with romantic ties. I wanted it's romantic elements tu be associated with it's romance scenes found in [inspire'da by] nature. My Paigan knowledge was tu be associated with 'mother nature,' in a method of associating larger forces of nature with the characters's emotions and feelings of love, union and connection. I imagine'da my main character would grow, learning better spells, learning about natural forces, and about human support...meaning [learn that] we need people, we are connected tu people for reasons. Learning our role spiritually, learning how other people could share our lives, learning from our families...think[ing] about our future; tu tie-these aspects neatly together with plot lines would be to join the reason with the method. This book was one I wanted tu see, yet I had a lot tu learn, especially when writing a fictional narrative.
Non-fiction has allow'da me tu share my ideas without having tu re-introduce my thoughts thru the dialogue of my characters, who are suppose tu develop, grow towards the end of a fictional narrative.

Writing non-fiction essays allows me tu avoid using false names, or anonymous as the contributor! My current idea: From Witches tu Angels. When I was online, because of my Taro work, I heard people call me a 'witch'. I use'da computer search engines online tu research what made a person a witch. At that time, I was aware of being a Buddhist. Western ideas of Psychology and 'zen' Buddhism has confuse'da Buddhist students. I had not call'da myself a witch. I join'da Wiccan websites. I was impress'da by Art images of strong women, and a constant connection tu the Earth. Paigan influence. Paigans study nature in ways Scientist dis-approve of...drug use, and mis-use seems more accepted among Paigans, University students, and 'witch-crafter-women'...Wiccans?

Drug use is less accepted in Science circles. Why associate Paigan 'Practitioners' with Scientist? [Because] Both groups claim tu study nature, Scientist for knowledge, Paigans for spiritual reasons.
While I studied Taro cards, I was lead, or rather, being lead tu study Psychology. Buddhist American articles discussing 'ego' were / was share'da. Some Buddhist were confusing 'zen', Psychology and dreams of Enlightenment and Awakening. Why did this make me a witch? I did not know, so I search'da.

I left a article with Religious Tolerance, a web-site online. I support what is true and ethical in Paigan Practices, yet, in my opinion, witches learn tu stop using mind-altering drugs couple'da with 'open-sex' sexual relationships. My basic point...when witches close their legs tu stop allowing crazy sex with drug-use, then the group of female (or male) witches are lead tu Wicca, a spiritual group. I believe the Wiccan Reed is a simple ethical rule created for safety reasons, there tu help witching students think. I myself think about spelling...better spelling v/s bad spells. Written communications can be improve'da with better spells and a better education. I assume most witches are ignorant, in the dark without a better education. This dangerous sex and / or drug practice (drug habit) can end their lives and hallucinations are nothing (not much) tu brag about.

A path away from a witch's circle is a Wiccan circle...a ethical group of women offering each other spiritual support. When formal aspects of why we are spiritual people evolve, a Anglican belief should, or may emerge. Take away drugs, a un-healthy, deadly sexual practice (sexual freedom). Replace Anarchist law with a few ethics. Support the circle of women, continue learning who you are as a person, know the life you can aim for, a life with a loving partner, or a life surrounded by your children. Believe there is a function, a 'mother-nature' function, a supportive role, accept this woman center'da role, then a transformation from a witch tu a Anglican Christian woman has been (ideally) made. This transformation is as difficult as changing a Gothic Romance novel tu a Anglican Christian book! With guidance from my in-spi-ray-shaun, transformation seems possible!

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