Thursday, July 26, 2018

sca-re-bul: The Side Effects Of Worshipping A Lion...

The Side Effect Of Worshipping A Lion, Or A Woman

With A Lioness Head by Minda Peyton

I first admit tu not being a Researcher of ancient Egyptian Art, nor the Art of the Northwest Coast.
In my studies, I have noted the 'blended' art-styles common tu [and associated with] Egypt, a departure, I think, from 3D sculpture, moving towards flat 2D image creation.
I associate Egypt with transitions, and cultural blending, reflections of a 'movement' from one style to another. I have also notice'da 'Totem Art' found in the North West (of North America or the Northern regions of Latin America). I think 'Totems' are less Art, more tribal ritual moving towards flat, 2D image creation. Also of note, the blended human heritage with animal characteristics.

I think of Angels, I think of images of humans with dog heads or of humans with Lions heads. I also imagine images of human women with human faces, yet with snakes for hair! I think of storytellers and print makers, both Artist types who are associated with books and literary Art works or Illustrations.
I think I can basically summarize: Pigs.
Consider how people generalize the essential personality of a pig. A INDIVIDUAL PIG  may not seem fat, yet pigs IN GENERAL are considered greedy animals. This common association about the nature of ALL PIGS reduces the complexity of each pig to a simple personality. Pigs = Greedy.

A human compair'da tu a pig would show a greedy personality, basically.

Human Psychology [Sai-Col-Lo-Gy] is about Human Development. This process may have spiritual, religious and ritualistic aspects. Human development is becoming aware of our life-path, our function, and our reason for remaining human on our planet.

Human growth is not a individual path, yet, individuals 'walk the path'. Individuals develop, learn, grow, love, then become parents who have human children. Tu be honestly confuse'da and emotionally attatch'da tu animal behavior is tu engage in mental confusion. A confuse'da inner state can lead tu association with the negative aspects of the animal. Confusion about reproducing children and how one is tu raise one's human child can be a problem, developing intu a bigger problem. People in confusing mental states can end this confusion by not mixing human traits with animal traits. This may mean avoid occult material, [avoid] confusing our dream states with animals and avoid getting guidance from Eastern and Western Zodiac material.

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