Friday, July 27, 2018

sca-re-bul: What Do You Know About Angels?

In Fiction, What Do You Know About Angels?

by Minda Peyton

[Angels] they avoid temptation and avoid leading others down dangerous paths. There is a saying: "Where angels fear to tread." Angels are traditionally considered guardians protecting children. In the Bible, angels visit in dreams.

What Do You Know About Witches?

They are associated with Paigan holidays, FALL FESTIVALS associated with alcohol, weed and drug use.
Witches are associated with herbal brews, potions and mildly drugged drinks.
In some plays, witches are associated with herbal potions that contain poisons. In [a popular] Fairy Tale a witch did poison a apple.

In The Wiz, a witch plagues Dorothy with madness, or fear and dangerous drug threats. [Although] the musical is NOT AS CLEAR, the poppy field may be a drug threat / warning.
Witches are associated with dark pagan holidays.

Many associate witches with ignorance.
I associate witches with witch's spells.

In my actual neighborhood, in my town, people called ME a witch, yet I had never forced drugs into / intu their bodies. As a group, my neighbors and I had drugs forced on us. As a individual, when drugs were forced on me I yelled, wrote reports, and used my phone to call for help.

Is it 'lion's work,' covering the truth with a lie? People are 'lion' when they falsely accuse me, yet never the drug dealer, or [the] Health Field Worker who forced drugs intu my body when I did not want their drugs.
A man named Dr. Kovorkian was said to have asked for government funds to assist in drug-related suicides, yet no person in the media has called him a witch, warlock, [or] Black Magician.

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