Thursday, July 26, 2018

sca-re-bul: Lioness Note

'Lioness Note' by Minda Peyton

The Lioness on T.V. move'da up, I watch'da her and another on Animal Planet. I made a short video-clip for FAI-CAH TV because I suspected that a few people from my old employment at the lab (research) would watch. A few Science people volunteer'da...they wanted to / tu see and help actual wildlife. Either you act lai-ca a 'animal' away on a scholarship... or you act lai-ca a human willing tu aid actual lions, tigers and monkeys!

Lioness advice: Move up to / tu higher ground for safety. Other animals follow'da this advice. I saw monkeys move-up intu the trees...I also saw cows near flood lands on a hill, then more animals move'da up. I am worried, animals today...don't seem tu / to respond as quick... The birds fly in unusual patterns, and I saw on the news, a cow surrounded in muddy waters; she had not found higher ground... A woman cover'da in mud was also in the waters...

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