Wednesday, July 25, 2018

sca-re-bul: Note

'Note' by Minda Peyton

"Water and Air. Water, a natural reflective substance can become muddy,
or hidden in the dark, thus, the need for fai-ya / fire."

If I place a angel or Anjayel, or a angel by another name, in 'Dancing Near The Fai-ya / Fire,' would haters wish tu see fire or cloud-fire?

On the cover of Bitches Brew by Miles Davis, Art fans maybe able tu see arty cloud-fire.
If I place a anjayel in "Dancing Near The Fai-ya / Fire" could I also draw, then paint reflectively, cloud-fire? I consider cloud-fire the FIFTH ELEMENT, yet because of its illuminating light, I caution'da readers against tracking 'cloud-fire'.

About deviant angels. I suspect they will fall faster than angels in white with golden hair, by fall, I mean fall in love. I imagine a red-star angel would wear pink as she near'da blue skies...yet this passionate color reminds me of falling in love, and not continuing as a good guide for those who are innocent. Angels are associated with warning children away from guides that lead tu poorly understood paths or pathways. There is a saying...'where angels fear tu thread / tred…"

Deviant angels would have problems staying focus'da and true tu purpose. I imagine blue angels, or blue anjayels, getting lost in fleets of snow, blown on winds away from their good guide, or moving intu 'tricky space' without good reason; this may encourage cloud-fire, or mention of Hathor / Hator, this is not the better guide.

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