Monday, July 30, 2018

Ask Minda!

Ask Minda!

Problems with Armand, the nuw vampaiya…

Q: Can un-dead characters be heros?
A: IMOpinion, un-dead characters can not be heros. Some characters are mythical, meaning they do not  reflect people. My character Armand does not have a mirror reflection. He tells Dulie he could see his reflection before he was tragically transform'da. He must exist in a dim existence without sunlight, yet there is electric light (illuminating power) and fire / fai-ya light, a type of orange-ish flame. He can read the minds of lonely poets and philosophers by candle light.

Q: What is the mythical essense of Armand?
A: A messenger sending a confuse'da warning. He is a [new] type of occult scribe, confuse'd by dreams and moonlight.

Q: What of the Angel?
A: The Angel is tu help Dulie, the first person speaker. [If plans are not alter'da, Angel will in turn help two lovers].

WARNING: I believe people are spi'n on me. They have interfeared with my life because of my freedom to write this novel work of fiction. This is not to / tu be a film, or T.V. show because who is spi'n on me is making threats. My life has been filled with harassment (lai-ca mail tampering).
[Warning by the Arthor Minda Peyton].

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