Friday, July 27, 2018

sca-re-bul: Magic Realism by Minda Peyton

Magic Realism by Minda Peyton

A strange term for a strange type of fictional story. When I was a university student, I notice'da magic realism. The style felt empty, cool, a mental space closer tu / to a void.
A cold vaccum. This mental space was a void-ish space where strange un-expected connections happen'da. There was no explanation for events that tug'da at, or pull'da a character. It was a cool, curious type of 'magic'.

In my attempts tu / to write stories, I have fill'da the page with a lot of details, I have incorporaited some of the imagery from my dreams, as well as in a pale, reflective space, in my writer's way, I have re-imagine'da moments in my life that once matter'da. This re-imaging, reflecting and borrowing images from my dreams support a 'magic' coupled with a detail'da sense of reality that could be close tu / to what Magic Realism means, if one could seriously support 'magic' with 'realism' in fictional works.
Most sarcastic Writers find realism un-compatable with 'magic'. Maybe realism was a answer, or a type of solution tu readers who were sick of great works of the imagination, or magical flights of fantasy. After losing one's sense of gravity, or normalacy, Writers found realism, a more complex style reflecting our complex reality. Writers of realism probably gain'da in popular culture gaining support from readers.

I will mention a few fables and magical tales, extended folk works that change'da my way of seeing magical tales. The novel of red rose and rose white is a excellent example of a magical tale fill'da with the consequences of wonder, pain, and a sense of moving towards better development, not lingering in the dark, hiding 'behind' magical tales. Complex psychological [Sai-Co-Lo-Gi-Cal] development evolve'da.

[Gabriel Marquez] Gabriel Marqui...if that is his name, seems to be a master storyteller writing of magic, the heavens and angels. He gives a detailed sense of reality that seems tu / to be magical.

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